Putting off looking at your spending won't help you turn it around. This simple system prepares you to face your finances once and for all and empowers you to change the narrative.
A simple, guided 5 step process to seeing your spending and empowering you to make adjustments and pay down debt.
Facing your finances is hard, but so is the dread that comes with avoiding them. You will be guided to face and address your fears so you feel ready to do the work that follows.
Mental preparation behind you, you will be guided through a simple, practical way to map out what is happening now by categorizing your earning and spending.
With the information summarized for you, you'll be able to see what's actually happening. Having that picture will give you something to review and you'll be guided on how to do this so it is impactful.
Now that you can see what is happening, you can create a realistic, feel good plan to be in the overflow rather than an arbitrary budget.
Map out what you have and what you owe. When your spending is under control, you can begin to comfortably and confidently pay down debt. This fun tracker will reward you with metrics worth celebrating!
50% Complete
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